My story ‘This isn’t Fair,’ appears in the anthology of sixteen stories ‘Hug Yourself -Body
Positivity and Empowerment Stories for Teenagers, that has just been released by
Penguin Random House India. In the digital age that we live in, teenagers are constantly
bombarded with unrealistic pictures of beauty, and body image on social media and the
Internet. These images of perfection, (filtered and often altered) sometimes have a very
negative impact on teenagers’ self-esteem and body image, and make them feel anxious,
inadequate, and worried.
The beautiful stories in this unique anthology are empathetic, warm, and heart-tugging.
Foreword by @mallikadua, cover by @artwhoring, each of the 16 stories in this anthology
hopes to be that beacon of conversation that will sow and strengthen concepts of body
positivity and self-esteem in readers.
The book is available at bookstores across the country.
This book was the brainchild of Vini tha, who curated and edited the stories deftly.
I am delighted to share space in this powerful anthology with these imaginative and
talented wordsmiths.
Vinitha R, Vibha Batra, Harshikaa Udasi, Aditi De, Smita Vyas Kumar, Vidya Nesarikar,
Nandini Nayar,Janani Balaji, Ratna Manucha, Suha Riyaz Khopatkar, Anuja Chandramouli,
Neha Singh Priyanka.s.Jha Rajani Thindiath Shals Mahajan

My story 'Why The Elephant is Not the King
of the Jungle,' appears in this anthology
'A Collection Of Children's Stories,' published
by Red Penguin Books, New York, USA,
July 2021. The book has stories for pre-readers,
beginning readers, early-grade and middle
grade readers.