My chapter book, 'Chotu Finds a Home,' won
the first place in the PitchYourBook 2021
Competition conducted by the HalfBaked
Beans Publishing platform in late 2021.
'Chotu Finds a Home,' is the story of a
mongrel puppy, orphaned on the streets
of a busy, inhospitable city. As the little
puppy struggles to adjust to his harsh life
and survive, he learns tough life lessons
as he copes with the daily uncertainties
that stray dogs have to face. Chotu's
story is the story of every stray mongrel
on the streets, and hopefully, his
heartwarming story will help readers
develop empathy for stray dogs like
little Chotu.
Published by HalfBakedBeans - 2022
P.p. 100 Rs. 225/-
Price - Rs. 275/-